Una distro Ubuntu ‘instantánea’ en una ‘mini nube'(máquina virtual de Linux)
Multipass proporciona una interfaz de línea de comandos para lanzar, gestionar y, en general, juguetear con las instancias de Linux. La descarga de una imagen fresca es cuestión de segundos, y en cuestión de minutos una máquina virtual puede estar en funcionamiento.. «Multipass is a tool to launch and manage VMs on Windows, Mac and Linux that simulates a cloud environment with support for cloud-init. Get Ubuntu on-demand with clean integration to your IDE and version control on your native platform.»… + info en: https://multipass.run/
Documentación de Multipass
Comandos de Multipass
Launch an instance (by default you get the current Ubuntu LTS)
multipass launch --name ubuntu-lts
Run commands in that instance, try running bash (logout or ctrl-d to quit)
multipass exec ubuntu-lts -- lsb_release -a
Pass a cloud-init metadata file to an instance on launch see using cloud-init with multipass for more details
multipass launch -n ubuntu-lts-custom --cloud-init cloud-config.yaml
See your instances
multipass list
Stop and start instances
multipass stop ubuntu-lts ubuntu-lts-custom
multipass start ubuntu-lts
Clean up what you don’t need
multipass delete ubuntu-lts-custom
multipass purge
Find alternate images to launch with multipass
multipass find
Get help
multipass help
Now don’t forget you still have ubuntu-lts running 🙂
Available commands:
- delete Delete instances
- exec Run a command on an instanc
- find Display available images to create instances fro
- get Get a configuration settin
- help Display help about a comman
- info Display information about instances
- launch Create and start an Ubuntu instance
- list List all available instance
- mount Mount a local directory in the instance
- purge Purge all deleted instances permanently
- recover Recover deleted instances
- restart Restart instances
- set Set a configuration setting
- shell Open a shell on a running instance
- start Start instances
- stop Stop running instances
- suspend Suspend running instances
- transfer Transfer files between the host and instances
- umount Unmount a directory from an instance
- version Show version details
Nota: yo lo he arrancado así: multipass shell
Ver instalación de Multipass en Windows y Mac (otro artículo): https://blogthinkbig.com/multipass-maquinas-virtuales-ubuntu
Table of Contents